In the Community
At Vulcan, we’re proud to contribute to the communities in which we live and work in ways big and small. It’s more than just financial support. Our people volunteer their time, talents and their hearts. We care about our communities and work hard to make a positive difference with local schools and charities.
We’re no stranger to Texas or Comal County. We currently operate 15 quarries and several other facilities in Texas, and we’ve been operating in the San Antonio area since the 1970s.
Vulcan purchased more than $1.73 million in goods and services from Comal County-based businesses in 2016. We also contract with nearly 20 local vendors, supporting jobs and adding to household income. We have many current and former employees living in Comal County and look forward to investing in the area.
We build meaningful relationships within the community through involvement in schools and a variety of charitable, civic and business organizations.

Local Girl Scouts learn about geology and conservation during a tour at our Helotes Quarry

Our Simonton, Texas, team worked with the city to help protect homes against rising floodwaters from the Brazos River.

Frank Madla Elementary School hosted a Career on Wheels Day for kids to learn about a number of professions. Vulcan ready-mix driver Mario Luna brought his truck along to teach kids all about concrete.

Vulcan makes an annual donation to the Comal County Claybusters, an organization that competes in various shotgun sports and funshoots. The project focuses on developing strong youth education and leadership through long-term mentorship.

Vulcan’s Melissa Martinez and Kala Laughlin participated in the Texas Aggregates and Concrete Association’s inaugural Young Leadership Development Program for members of the industry under 35. Through community service, the program intends to develop the next generation of industry leadership.

Vulcan’s John Berger and Michael Victor talk to prospective employees at a recruiting event at Traders Village Flea Market.

Employee volunteers at the Mico Quarry clean up trash on the highway as part of an annual, ongoing adopt-a-highway program.

Vulcan’s Clay Upchurch presents a scholar athlete plaque to Canyon high’s Samuel Worley, who was the recipient of a $10,000 scholarship. The award was funded by Vulcan and local TV station CW 35.

Every Vulcan facility collects toys for a holiday toy drive. The Mico Quarry collected toys for the Medina County Sheriff’s Office and delivered them during the holiday season.

The Annual Vulcan FunShoot has raised more than $2.5 million for the Mays Cancer Center at UT Health, formerly the CTRC.

Vulcan participates several times a year in Touch-A-Truck days for pre-school kids to experience life in the cab of mobile equipment. The kids are given Vulcan bags stuffed with activity books, coloring books and pencil pouches.
Vulcan’s famous Quarry Crusher Run is a creative way to showcase Vulcan facilities. The Crusher Run Series, which started in 2011, takes runners to the quarry floor and back out again. Learn more here.

In December 2017, Johnson Ranch Elementary of Comal County I.S.D. asked to partner with Vulcan for the “Teach, Love and Inspire” project. Vulcan’s donation purchased beautiful new shirts to recognize teachers’ hard work throughout the year and as a reminder to “Teach, Love and Inspire” in 2018.

Vulcan’s John Berger presents a scholar athlete plaque to Reagan High’s Cole Cunov, who was the recipient of a $10,000 scholarship. The award was funded by Vulcan and local TV station CW 35.

Vulcan was a proud sponsor of the 2018 Southzone Mustang Baseball Team. The team had a very successful season. In the spring, they won the Directors Tournament and advanced to sectionals after winning runner up in the South Regional Tournament.

Vulcan partnered with the Parker County Livestock Improvement Association to benefit the 2018 Parker County Livestock Show in May. As a “Premiere Sign Sponsor” our logo was displayed proudly in the arena. The Improvement committee requested product for the arena and surrounding areas and Vulcan donated 75 tons of Screenings and Base.